
Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Meet...Ezra Miles Merricks


Cydil said...

Congratulations, D and Corrie! You can see in that first photo what a strapping young man he is!

Emily said...

He's so handsome! Can't help but wonder if we'll all get a play by play eventually. Hugs to Corrie and the new little man.

Ashlee said...

He's beautiful! And the picture of the three of you is beautiful, too! I'm so excited for you.

Piedmont College Nursing Students said...

He's beautiful! He looks like Isaiah, of course. I love you guys!

Anonymous said...

Dr. Young looks funny in that hairnet.

The nice rooms make for really nice first pictures.

Goose said...

That's so great! Congratulations, guys!

Karen said...

Congratulations!! He's precious! I especially love the picture of the three of you... and thank you for sharing his birth story from the father's perspective, D. That was really neat to read.