
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

30 Things You May or May Not Know about Corrie

Happy Birthday Corrie!!

In honor of Corrie's 30th birthday, I would like to share with you some things you may or may not know about her. I would like there to be 30 of them, but I don't know if I can come up with that many, so I am asking the fathertide faithful to also chip in. I will get us started with the top 15, and if you would like to add something, please feel free to do so through the comments section.

Rules of engagement: Please only post humorous, quirky or memorable things. Please don't post private or embarrassing things. Our goal is to celebrate Corrie, not humiliate her.

15. Corrie once let me cut her hair in college. She has not let me since.

14. Corrie is named after Corrie ten Boom.

13. Corrie made herself like black olives. (I don't know why.)

12. Corrie used to prank call my dorm room in college. (Though she was encouraged strongly by someone who will remain nameless. Right, Gigi?)

11. Corrie liked me from the moment she met me.

10. Corrie sent me a Chinese Happy Meal box while she was living in China.

9. Corrie has a "Harry Potter" scar over her left eye. It turns red when she gets upset or has an allergic reaction. (Or when Voldemort is close by.)

8. Corrie does not believe you should have to pay to get your Master's degree or PhD.

7. Corrie likes to cuddle for 60 seconds before going to sleep at night.

6. Corrie has never read a Jane Austen book all the way through.

5. Corrie is one of the most compassionate people I know.

4. Corrie is awesome at delivering babies.

3. Corrie is the best mom any two boys could ask for.

2. Corrie is the best wife I could ever hope for.

1. Corrie has been my best friend for over 8 years...and she still is!


Unknown said...

Corrie can make just about anything: baked goods, clothes, babies, you name it.

Ashlee said...

Corrie really likes Mayonaise Cake (sounds a little sketchy, but is awesome!). Her version is chocolate cake with peanut butter frosting! I made it for her on 26th birthday!

Also, Corrie is one of the most inspirational women I know! Ran a half marathon the day she found out she was pregnant with Isaiah, loves God through her words and actions, and has excellent taste in friends! :)

Unknown said...

Corrie is one of the only women I know who is an avid scifi fan.

Unknown said...

Corrie has been a wonderful addition to the Merricks family with her contagious smile and sweet spirit!

Uncle Jay