Yesterday, I tweeted this:
Many people give eggs, but we're called to give ham.
Since then, several people have wondered what it was all about. Well, yesterday at church, the preacher gave an illustration in relation to Romans 12:1-3. It went something like this....
On a farm, there was a Chicken and Pig talking about how thankful they were for the farmer. The Chicken had the idea of cooking breakfast for the farmer the next day. She said, "I'll sponsor the eggs if you'll sponsor the ham." The Pig thought for a minute, and then said, "I like the idea, but you only have to give eggs, I have to make the ultimate sacrifice."
As Christians, we are called to give ham. The passage in Romans, the words of Jesus in Mark 8:34-38, and Peter's command to be holy as God is holy all reflect the idea that we are meant to give our whole lives to Christ, not just parts.
Food for thought.
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