
Thursday, December 10, 2009

Somebody's gotta do it...

People often wonder what I do and what it means to be a campus minister. There are many parts to my position, some of which seminary adequately prepared me for: preaching, teaching, writing, developing leaders, answering questions about about God and the universe, etc. etc.

There are other things that seminary did not prepare me for: fundraising, keeping budgets, house maintenance, computer problems, etc.

One of the most important parts of my job happens twice a year. Like Jesus teaching on the mount, crowds flock to the Wesley House with excited anticipation. The line extends throughout the house, everyone longing to see, but only a few being able to experience the wonder of it all. What is this holy event that I'm describing? The Pancake Exam Break, of course! And one thing seminary did not teach me, but I have learned with much practice is how to make a griddle-sized pancake. OR as someone said last night, 

"That's not a pancake. That's a MANcake!"

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