Isaiah is now in a big boy bed. I could write a year's worth of posts of all the misadventures this has created. Isaiah is strong willed and very active, which makes asking him to stay in bed at bedtime an unreasonable request...at times.
Also new in Isaiah's world is his progression towards potty training. We talk about it quite a bit hoping that rhetoric will turn in to reality...this summer. In the meantime, Isaiah displays unique signs that he is beginning to understand what it is all about.
All this leads to what happened this morning. Ezra needed to be put back to sleep around 5am, so I was up pretty early. After getting Ezra to sleep and putting him down, I decided I would shower and shave before the rest of the house woke up. I also hoped that I might have some time to myself before having to start the morning routine.
Right after I finished shaving I heard Isaiah's door creak open. I opened the bathroom door to see Isaiah peeking through the crack. I told him to come on out, and once he stepped in to the light I saw that he was completely and unashamedly naked. I was kind of surprised.
I said, "Isaiah, why are you naked?"
He replied, "My diaper was wet."
"Oh...go see Momma!"
"Do you want a new diaper?"
Eveidently his diaper had leaked so he decided that he would just take it all off, which means he is understanding that it's not good to be in wet clothes...one step closer to potty training.
While I didn't really get the time to myself that I was hoping for, my morning was anything but routine.
1 comment:
Potty chair, here he comes :)
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