After a stormy Easter Sunday afternoon, today could not be any more spring like. The sun is shining, the grass is green, the skies are blue, birds are singing, and the smell of spring is in the air. I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure this is what it was like the day after the Resurrection. God knows how to set a scene, c'mon.
We are now in the season of Eastertide. We would do well to remember that Easter is not just one day on the Christian calendar, but a 40 day period of appearances followed by a 10 day wait for Pentecost. I hope to write periodic Eastertide posts over the next 50 days, this being the first.
We've been listening to Andrew Peterson's new CD Resurrection Letters Vol. II pretty consistently for about 6 months now. He's one of our favorites and I encourage you to check him out. Here's a line from one of my favorites on the album:
You have crushed beneath your heel the vile serpent.
You have carried to the grave the black stain.
You have torn apart the temple’s holy curtain.
You have beaten Death at Death’s own game.
You have carried to the grave the black stain.
You have torn apart the temple’s holy curtain.
You have beaten Death at Death’s own game.
May we live in the reality of a crushed serpent this Easter season!
Note: AP is going to be in Birmingham Thursday night at Shades Mountain Baptist Church. If you live close by, you should go. Cancel all other plans and go. Just go. Do it for me. Go. And tell him Corrie, D. and Matthew say hello!
Note: AP is going to be in Birmingham Thursday night at Shades Mountain Baptist Church. If you live close by, you should go. Cancel all other plans and go. Just go. Do it for me. Go. And tell him Corrie, D. and Matthew say hello!
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