
Saturday, July 31, 2010

What I'm Doing, part 2

The Wesley House

In my previous post, I mentioned a few of things I'm doing this summer as I prepare for the new semester. There are other things I'm doing as well, things I do because I'm a new minister in a new city.

I'm trying to connect to the local Methodist churches in the area. I do this by attending their Sunday services, visiting with their pastors, and getting to know the people in the pews. Campus ministry is always in need of people who care about what we do and are willing to give their time and talents to help our ministry succeed. And the only way to meet those people is to go find them in their churches.

I'm also creating excuses to get on campus and meet those individuals I'll be interacting with during the semester. As a campus minister, I'm not officially a part of campus life, but it's always good to know people on campus who can help us in any way with our ministry during the year. (You can read more about my thoughts on that here.)

Of course, I'm also interacting with students as much as possible. Getting their thoughts on the ministry and getting to know them. This is my favorite part by far - it's what it's all about.

There's a lot to being a campus minister. I hope this gives you a glimpse in to what my life is like as a Wesley Foundation director.

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