
Friday, October 1, 2010

At 30...

I'm the father of two beautiful, fun-loving boys.

I'm the husband to an amazing woman.

I read more books than I ever have.

I can still run three miles in under 30 minutes.

I still haven't shaved my goatee.

I'm a bigger Braves fan than ever (it helps living in the heart of Braves Country).

I'm in my fifth year of full-time campus ministry and loving it.

I have a few gray hairs...a couple of which are in my goatee.

I'm asleep most nights before 11pm.

I eat more salad than french fries on a weekly basis.

I drink coffee every day, even when the low temperature is 76.

I read something by Henri Nouwen at least once a year.

I'm learning more now than I ever have.

I'm thankful for the first 30 years of my life.

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